Scenarios that look at the impact of changing energy prices on the Irish economy, on business and on our way of life. The four scenarios are Business as Usual, Enlightened Transition, Fair Shares and Enforced Localisation.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Presentation to Tax People in Ireland
Had great fun doing an energy scenarios excercise with the tax departments of Ireland's south west region. They were very imaginative when asked to come up with holiday ideas for 2020, from a space trip to a sing along at Youghal, and in ideas about implementing transaction taxes or local currencies.
In 2006 four scenarios for Ireland were developed to look at the impact of changing energy prices. The site developed for those scenarios is here: We are updating the scenarios with the intention of publishing the updates in autumn 2008 and the plan is to write it section by section on this blog. We hope that readers will help us improve the final version by commenting on our entries, challenging our assumptions and picking up on any errors.
Richard Douthwaite, writer and economist, is a co-founder of Feasta. He is the author of several books including The Growth Illusion and The Ecology of Money. He recently edited Before the Wells Run Dry - Ireland's Transition to Renewable Energy. Contact Richard at richard at douthwaite dot net
Phoebe Bright has 20 years of wide ranging experience as a business consultant, solving problems for companies such as The London Stock Exchange and Chase Manhattan Bank and starting a flying school. She has a particular interest in challenging businesses to identify risks and opportunities created by changing energy prices. Contact Phoebe at phoebebright at spamcop dot net and blogs at